
作者: 京视网
发布于: 01/02/2024


Personal Profile:


Chen Baogui is a nationally famous doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, a chief physician, professor, doctoral supervisor, national advanced worker, expert enjoying special allowance of the State Council, national post-doctoral cooperation supervisor of traditional Chinese medicine inheritance, and famous doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in Tianjin City. He has worked as a doctor for 56 years, adhering to the grassroots clinical front line, such as lecturing while making rounds of wards, outpatient service, scientific research and so on. His patients have covered 31 provinces and cities in more than 10 countries, and his annual outpatient service volume is as much as more than 7,000 person-times.


Academic Ideas and Views:


  1. He has established the academic thought of "Treating Encephalopathy from the Mind", and uses "tonifying the kidney and spleen, eliminating phlegm and removing blood stasis, and awakening the spirit and opening the five organs" as the major method to prevent and treat encephalopathy.He has worked out the new drug called "Spirit-Restoring Granules", which has been used by more than 10,000 person-times per year for preventing dementia and cerebrovascular diseases.In the surgery period of traumatic brain injury, the application of "Spirit-Restoring Granules" can significantly reduce the mortality and disability rate.


  1. He has raised the academic idea of "Rebuilding the Physiological Function of the Spleen and Stomach", and created the "Nine Methods for Treating Stomach Diseases" to treat digestive system diseases.He takes "invigorating the spleen and harmonizing the stomach, smoothing the liver and regulating the qi and activating blood circulation" as the main principle to treat atrophic gastritis and its precancerous lesions.


  1. He has inherited and carried forward Zhang Xichun's academic thoughts on gynecology, namely, the diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases should be based on tonifying the kidney, take soothing the liver as the key, regard strengthening the spleen as the task, and take warming the meridians and dispelling cold, removing blood stasis and all kinds of stagnation as the supplement.


  1. He has summarized the unique "TCM Clinical Thinking Method", emphasizing that we should use the syndrome to govern the disease, use the disease to govern the syndrome, use the prescription to govern the syndrome and disease, and hold to the pathogenesis strictly; he emphasizes the principle of precision in three aspects in diagnosis and treatment; he stresses the principle of three relationships of clinical diagnosis; he sticks to the three-unification principle of the whole.


  1. He has unique viewpoints on the use of prescriptions and medicines, being good at using anti-gout medicines, poisonous medicines, aromatic medicines, insect medicines, counter medicines, and group medicines; he can make good use of classical and famous prescriptions to treat difficult diseases.


Papers and Research:


He has published more than 120 papers and more than 20 books. He has won 1 second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, 3 provincial and ministerial scientific research awards, 8 Tianjin scientific and technological achievements and 9 national invention patents. Over the years, he has given lectures and reports at academic conferences at home and abroad for hundreds of times.




Adhering to Inheritance, Innovation and Talent Training:


He lived and worked together with chief physician Liu Xuezhu, Zhang Xichun's disciple, for 10 years, and is committed to organizing, digging up and inheriting Zhang Xichun's academic thoughts. He taught his students and disciples that they should learn from Zhang Xichun's spirit to hold to traditional Chinese medicine while referring to Western medicine, and keep the spirit of innovation.


He stresses that we should grasp the original thinking of traditional Chinese medicine, and then use modern science and technology and multidisciplinary methods to study and develop traditional Chinese medicine. As a nationwide famous doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, he has taught and trained 112 inheritors, corrected nearly 8,000 pieces of inheritors' homework, and guided the inheritors to publish more than 200 papers and 9 books, forming the diagnosis and treatment characteristics and academic system of encephalopathy, spleen and stomach diseases and gynecology diseases.


He actively implements the national spirit of poverty alleviation: he took the initiative to establish studios of famous doctors of traditional Chinese medicine in a number of counterpart assistance areas, and has trained 41 inheritors, of which 7 were promoted to senior titles and 5 were honored at the provincial and prefectural levels. He took charge of the reconstruction of Tianjin Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Lueyang County, a worst-hit area of Wenchuan Earthquake. He has practiced the mission-taking spirit of old doctors of traditional Chinese medicine. During his investigation in Xiong'an New Area in 2019, Vice Premier Sun Chunlan visited Professor Chen Baogui, who was teaching in the studio.


Over the years, he has been dedicated to the construction and development of hospitals of traditional Chinese medicine, especially for building a platform for the growth of hospital personnel echelon. He has trained 110 workers as managers from the first to the fourth level of the echelon and as technical backbone forces, who have become the backbone of hospital development.


He has never forgotten his original aspiration and always keeps the mission in mind. Chen Baogui is practicing the responsibility and undertaking of one generation of TCM people!
